1. The Human has the right to equality with all other humans.
2. The Human has the right not to have their voice silenced and to express their own voice as much or as little as they wish. The Human has the right to be heard (but not necessarily listened to).
3. The Human has the right to all of the gifts of life they were given at birth.
3a. The physical gifts of mobility, health, and life shall not be infringed by any other human.
3b. The mental and spiritual gifts of freedom of belief and freedom of control of the Human's own life
shall not be infringed by any other human.
4. The Human has the right to take from nature what they will and to claim any piece of their own human fabrication as their personal property. (The Human does not have the right to claim the land itself.)
The other kind of right is communitarian rights- the rights which are not fundamental to our existence but which we give ourselves (and, necessarily, eachother, lest we defy the first natural right) once we form any kind of group with other humans. In an ideal community, all of these rights will be decided upon by the entire group. Unanimous consensus is not exactly necessary but some form of unanimity is almost always possible and ideal- as long as the right of the Human to leave the group is not infringed, however, their disagreement can be consensually overridden by the majority (as per the right to be heard but not to be listened to).
TBC i have to go to chipawtle