Never sacrifice your humanity in favor of peace. Never vanquish your humanity in favor of violence.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


There are a lot of things that make us human. We build buildings and wear clothes and communicate meaningfully and come together to form things greater than ourselves. But one thing that's really intrinsic to being human is that we all, in some way, somehow, believe in God. I'm not talking about having a religion or anything like that at all. I  don't even mean that we all believe in a soul or a supreme being or anything. There are atheists out there, and there are people whose religions are so twisted that they aren't really religions at all. But everyone believes in something at some time in their life. There's something subtle but important and indescribable that we all believe in simply by existing. It's the belief that there is something beyond absolute nihilism and meaninglessness, in a way similar to "I think therefore I am." And no matter how much this innocent belief in meaning is bastardized and stomped on and used to control people down to their very souls, it will always remain. Today God is everywhere and nowhere. In a way we've lost God, but when you think about it that's not so bad. Religion has been a vehicle for control since its inception. People want to find answers and those people who provide them answers are the ones they will trust and who will easily and viscously manipulate them, into anything from slaughtering other humans to building giant stone triangles. So the downfall of "God" as an institution is not so bad. Of all the things I think have gotten worse with modernization, God has gotten better. A lot more people feel the freedom to find their own meaning and spirituality. And although a lot of teenagers today are waking up and realizing that what they've been worshiping all their lives might be a lie, that's just how it is. It's the truth and more people are starting to realize it. Today we're finally starting to make the distinction between the God you find for yourself and the God other people force in to your head. And that's something we hadn't been able to talk about for the first ten or fifteen thousand years we existed.


  1. I liked what you said in class on Friday that if we do believe that there is a God, then we must have a "more mature" concept of God. If not, people will be led to dangerous ideas that actually go against reason.

  2. "Today we're finally starting to make the distinction between the God you find for yourself and the God other people force in to your head."
    I actually really like this quote.
