Never sacrifice your humanity in favor of peace. Never vanquish your humanity in favor of violence.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Unexamined Life

The question of how true this statement is is a question that haunts all men and women who think and question. We all like to think that those who don't question their existence and live whatever life is projected upon them lead an unfulfilling and pointless life. But there will always be that nagging thought that, if I had never watched the news, never been aware of the world and questioned the rights of those in power, never bothered to think there was more beyond my tiny world, would I really be worse off? Is it possible that to live in complete ignorance truly is bliss? Many people who question only find themselves in an ever-increasing existential dilemma to the point that they conclude that life is meaningless anyway. They unravel everything they thought was true and realize that nothing matters because there is no one to say what matters. It's easy to say that to take questioning to this extreme is unnecessary, but is it possible that if you keep questioning, this is the only real answer? That there is no answer to the ultimate question?

What I like to think, and I guess ultimately do believe, is that it is not unhappiness but stagnancy that is the enemy. Pain, even the most torturous spiritual pain, is a part of life and of development. It's a necessary part of growth. So perhaps the scale we ought to measure our actions on is not unhappiness vs happiness but stagnancy vs growth. A society without questioners would sit in the stone age, like animals, farming and hunting for sustenance, having sex, giving birth, never looking to the stars or imagining gods. We have progressed because we choose to question, not only because we can.

We are the tool the universe uses to examine itself. But would it really be worse if the universe had never examined itself at all?


  1. You are right. you should just relaxe once and a while. go to a park lay on the ground and look at the sky. Even if just for a moment forget about your problems and be happy that you are still alive. enjoy the beauty of the endless sky. enjoying and loving your life is way better then worrying about trivial matters that our society created. trust me you will not regret it.

  2. wow harlan is capable of positive thoughts?

    i appreciate that though that's true heh

  3. There will always be someone who says soomething matters. One who finds that nothing matters, i believe, is one who has not questioned everything. They have not examined life enough to find what matters to them. But the stagnancy vs growth i do believe. Without examining and questioning beliefs, we would not be this advanced in technology. We grew as a civilization because we questioned the universe around us and pushed our knowledge further than the previous scientist, and the previous one, and so on.

  4. Colin, your profile is one of the only ones in the class with entries worth reading.

  5. who are you and why are you complimenting me
